Out of Africa
FSR Global
Monthly Spotlight
Mar 14, 2019
FSR Topic of the Month
Energy Transition via Partnerships (SDG 7 ↔ SDG 17)
by the FSR Global Team
Transition to a clean energy system in island nations requires special consideration given their inherent limitations in terms of their size and isolation.
Out of Africa
Recently, the Florence School of Regulation began the FSR Global initiative to take its experience in energy policy and regulation in the European Union to the world. Since then, the capacity building model of combining – policy dialogue, applied research and training has led to a wide variety of engagements across the globe. In this topic of the month, we introduce and highlight, region wise, some of the key initiatives beyond Europe, starting with Africa.
Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)
FSR collaborated with the IOC to facilitate sharing of knowledge on energy sector regulation, particularly on the deployment of renewables and provision of energy access. FSR collaborated with the islands of Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar and Comoros for a period of 2 years, starting from training on ‘Regulation of the Power Sector’, ‘Regulation for Universal Access to Energy’ and concluding in a research report that provides a comprehensive overview of the regulatory setup in these islands.
Transition to a clean energy system in island nations requires special consideration given their inherent limitations in terms of their size and isolation. FSR Global, in collaboration with the Indian Ocean Commission, conducted a comparative study across four island nations: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles. The study focused on two perspectives. The first perspective assesses how the islands are considering their peculiarities in their institutional, regulatory and power market design. The second perspective looks at the practices of each island for promoting and integrating renewables into their energy system and ensuring universal electricity access. We found that the institutional, regulatory and market design of each island has implications on reaching their renewable energy and electrification policy targets. Importantly, practices implemented in some islands can be considered for replication by other islands in the region and beyond.
Open Africa Power (OAP)
OAP is a cooperative program, created by Enel Foundation in partnership with academic partners in Italy and Africa. It aims to forge a new generation of African leaders deeply engaged with their countries’ clean energy future. As a key member of this cooperative, FSR is providing online training on ‘Regulation for Universal Access to Energy’, which is supplemented by residential training blocks provided by other consortium partners. The first edition in 2018 brought together 34 young African professionals from 9 countries. Following the success of the first edition, the on-going second edition is expanded to 60 young African professionals from 16 different nationalities.
During the online training module, OAP participants of the first edition were trained as part of a larger cohort consisting of participants from 33 countries.
Check out our FSR Global page for a comprehensive list of activities undertaken in the region.
FSR is bringing together all our Global partners at the FSR Global Forum later this month. It is a 4-day event fostering practice-oriented solutions on key aspects of the world energy transition. The event provides a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement to facilitate transnational knowledge exchange.