FSR Partner of Enel Foundation’s Open Africa Power initiative

FSR Global


Apr 20, 2018

On 9 April 2018 in Nairobi, the Florence School of Regulation joined the kick-off of the first edition of Open Africa Power.

The program, created by Enel Foundation in partnership with FSR, aims to forge a new generation of African leaders deeply engaged with their countries clean energy future. The opening module of this flagship training program is the beginning of a four-months learning path for 34 African Master and PhD students and alumni from nine different countries, who will improve their know-how of the electricity sector while engaging in professional development and leadership activities.

Following the Nairobi- based module, students will return to their countries to engage in an online training offered by the Florence School of Regulation that analyses the multi-dimensional approach to energy access, and work on research projects around key dimensions for the electricity sector in Africa.

Learn more about the FSR online course Regulation for Universal Access to Energy

The concrete research proposals will focus on helping to win the race from poverty to prosperity for the continent. A selection of the best students will then move on to the next residential module taking place in Italy next summer.

The time has come for the African clean energy transition, and Open Africa Power and FSR aim to become a long lasting training platform open for more partners to join the venture and enhance its impact by reaching a larger number of students every year.


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