Jean-Michel Glachant

Distinguished Fellow

English, French


Dr. Jean-Michel Glachant is an energy economist, Professor at Florence School of Regulation and FSR Global Principal Advisor, President of IAEE (International Association for Energy Economics), Vice-President of FR.AEE (French Association for Energy economics) He has been Director of the Florence School of Regulation (2008-2022), Vice-President of IAEE (2019-20); Professor at Université Paris-Sud & Head of its Economics; Lecturer at Université Paris La Sorbonne. Jean-Michel has been the founding editor-in-chief of EEEP: “Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy” (from 2012 to 2016; an IAEE journal) and is member of the Board of Editors of ‘Energy Journal’ since 2012.

In 2018 he got the IAEE Career Award for “outstanding contributions to the Profession of Energy Economics”. Glachant took his Ph.D. in Economics at La Sorbonne in France. He worked in the industry and private sector before becoming an academic at La Sorbonne. He has been advisor of DG TREN, DG COMP and DG RESEARCH at the European Commission, and of the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE); as well as coordinator and scientific advisor of many European research projects. 

Current focus


Jean-Michel is author of more than 170 articles, working-papers, books, book chapters and reports. His last book “Handbook on Electricity Markets” [Edward Elgar publisher; first edition 2021, new edition January 2023] is co-authored with P. Joskow (MIT) and M. Pollitt (U. Cambridge). His next book “Oxford Handbook of institutions of international economic governance and market regulation” [Oxford University Press, second semester 2023] is co-authored with E. Brousseau & J.Sgard.