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Regulatory Insights | Is decentralized governance essential to energy transition pathways for India
Regulatory Insights | Is Decntralised Governance Essential to Energy Transition Pathways for India
EU India regulatory workshop series | Offshore Wind Energy
This debate talked about how the EU’s experience can provide valuable insights for India as it develops its offshore wind sector.
Regulatory Insights | Forward Markets – A Choice in the Indian Power Market Menu
Regulatory Insights | Forward Markets- A choice in the Indian Power Market Menu
Regulatory Insights | Energy Derivatives
This debate was focused on the need for #energyderivatives as part of the #forwardmarkets in India.
EU India regulatory workshop series | Resource Adequacy
As the power system’s resource mix changes, #resourceadequacy becomes more nuanced and more complex.
EU India Regulatory Workshop Series | Interoperability
FSR Global hosted a debate on the topic of #Interoperability as part of the 6th EU-India Regulatory Workshop Series
Regulatory Insights | Electricity Market Coupling In India
The debate on Electricity Market Coupling in India, hosted by FSR Global, focused on the options available to India. Do we couple the power exchanges in a single
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