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Smart Meters – An Overview 

Smart Meters – An Overview 

In a world where energy consumption and sustainability are at the forefront of global concerns, the power sector is undergoing many significant transformations. A crucial part of this is how the metering infrastructure is advancing. Smart meters

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School of Energy Transition

School of Energy Transition

India’s first comprehensive 4-days in person training looking at understanding the multiple drivers – deregulation, decarbonization, decentralization, digitalization and democratization​ and its impact on the energy domains – generation, networks and the markets. The training is designed for

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Regulation of the Power Sector

Regulation of the Power Sector

Power system regulation is never at a rest, and this is particularly true for the power systems of today.  In a world that is hungry for a reliable supply of electricity, regulation and reform of the power sector become the drivers for economic development.

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Swetha Bhagwat talks one year of FSR Global

Swetha Bhagwat talks one year of FSR Global

NEWSSwetha Bhagwat talks one year of FSR GlobalClaudia Carella, Jessic DabrowskiNewsNov 05, 2020Today marks the 1-year anniversary of FSR Global, an initiative by the Florence School Regulation meant to facilitate the development and delivery of effective energy...

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EU-India High Level Platform on Smart Grids

EU-India High Level Platform on Smart Grids

NEWSEU-India High Level Platform on Smart GridsFSR GlobalNewsOct 21, 2020After years of fruitful cooperation, key policy leaders agreed to strengthen the  EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership (CECP), first sparked at the highest political level at the...

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